An open letter to my former best friend.

A few years ago I made a blog post titled ‘an open letter to my abusive ex boyfriend’ and today I wanted to make another open letter blog post, but for a different person who was once a massive part of my life.

Dear ‘A’

I don’t think I can count the amount of times I’ve wrote to you. I’ve wrote a few letters over the years and I recently found some of them when I was cleaning for my move, and as I read through them, I was transported back to the time in which I wrote them. I could tell by the way I was writing how I felt about you, I didn’t need to read between the lines with my own writing, I may have tried to hide my sadness or bitterness but it was plainly there on the pages I wrote in the many letters over the years. One of the first letters I spoke about how much you hurt me, how confused and sad I was, I just didn’t understand why my best friend would hurt me like he did. As I kept reading through the letters, the words on the paper turned from confusion and loss to sadness and pain to anger and betrayal. I think I must have went through every emotion throughout the many letters I wrote. I sat and thought about the letters for a while, about our past, about what you did and said back then, and then I ripped the letters up and throw them in the bin. I had no use for them anymore. You see, I wrote those letters when I always expected you to walk back into my life, a time when I wanted you to because I missed you or I wanted answers from you, after a while I learned that the new ‘A’ wasn’t going to be the same person anymore and I needed to expect I’ll never get the ending I wanted.

I put so much effort into you, into our friendship. I often ask myself ‘why?’, now because let’s me honest, you’re not worth the sacrifice of my dignity and pride. I guess the reason why I thought you was worth it was because the old you was worth it, he was a generally good person. I often tell my friend Megan that lads will hurt you but that doesn’t define you, you let your emotions out and you move on. No lad is ever worth the pain I went through with you, you’re not special enough to have me shed another tear over you.

I remember when we was younger, you told me you wanted to leave Liverpool. You said you wanted to join the army and get as far away from Liverpool as possible, I guess leaving Liverpool isn’t even a thought that crosses you’re mind anymore does it? I honestly cannot imagine what goes through you’re mind these days, but those thoughts probably aren’t about plans of a bright future, which is a shame, you could have had a good future, a generally happy one. You cannot tell me that the meaningless ‘pocket change’ jobs you have these days are what you wanted for your career path. You cannot tell me that doing drugs every weekend and not being able to stay loyal to one girl is giving you a ‘fulfilled life’ feeling.

What happened A? What happened to the friend who I went out with every night after school, what happened to the friend who was always there for me, always supported me and cared about me? Where has he gone A? He faded a long time again, but has he completely disappeared? I hope for your own humanity and the ones who still care about you, that he hasn’t completely disappeared.

I could say I will always care about you, but honestly, you don’t deserve my affection or care. I tried my best and I suppose I’ll be the one leaving Liverpool and having a fulfilling life. Funny how things work out.

Love you loads (haha, not really)




I saw this tag going around on various bloggers sites so I thought I would do my own version of it. I have the 10 questions on the original tag and have added 5 of my own to it. I do not know who created this tag so I am giving credit to as it was their site I got the idea to do this tag!

So, I don’t feel like I really need to say anymore about what this tag is. Let me know your answers are in the comments or on your own blog and tag me in them on twitter so I can see what your answers are! @lifeasshanx


Favourite/ Best Quote 

Anything from one tree hill, all their quotes are worth hearing and taking something from. Here is a bigger list of my favourite one tree hill quotes! There are too many to put here.  ttps://


First TV Show You Watched

I don’t remember the first TV show I watched but I do remember my first favourite show and that was Friends.


All Time Favourite TV Show

This is one that changes a lot actually, At this current minute, it is Bones. I only started watching this show last year, but ended up buying every season on DVD and whenever I need a distraction this show goes on.

Your Character Crush 


Nothing else needs to be said

Favourite OTP

Speaking of Nathan Scott, my favourite OTP is Nathan Scott and Haley James from One Tree Hill. Actually I have to also add Dr Brennan and Agent Booth from Bones. I can’t pick just one!

Most Disappointing Ending/Cancellation

There are lots of shows that I didn’t want to end – Revenge, Bones and 2 Broke Girls to name a few but The Secret Circle was probably the most annoying cancellation out there. The acting was good, the storyline/plot was interesting and the quality was more then good enough, so why didn’t a show that left off on a massive cliff hanger get a season 2 or movie to wrap things up? I loved the books, I even read the 3 that came out in 2012/2013 that weren’t written by the original author but I was so annoyed by this cancellation, as you can tell 6 years on I am still bitter.


A Show You Would Like To Be On

Easy, Gilmore Girls and for two reasons. One, I want to live in Stars Hollow and two, I want a Lorelai Gilmore in my life!

A Character You’d Love To Take Out On A Date 

Do I have to say it again? Nathan Royal Scott, anyday…


A Popular TV Show You Can’t Stand

I don’t care how many times this show is pushed on to me, I will never like it. It will never beat Buffy The Vampire Slayer, never. Sorry, but the show I can’t stand is The Vampire Dairies 


A Scene That Made You Cry

When Lance died on Bones, I cried that whole episode to be honest.

A Character With A Killer Wardrobe 

Yes, these styles are from 1994 but I loved Rachel Green’s style in the early seasons. They were cute and I would wear them today!



Favourite Friendship 

It’s hard to find a loyal friend in real life, but I love these women because they support each over and don’t judge eachover even though they are different. Again I don’t just have one. Max and Caroline – 2 Broke Girls. Angela and Brennan – Bones. Brooke and Haley – One Tree Hill. Monica and Rachel – Friends.

A Show That Everyone Should Watch

I can’t tell you how much I love this show. Maybe it’s because I relate so much to Callie or maybe because of its amazing portrayal of ongoing issues in the world. From LGBT rights, The foster care system to family. Its a show everyone should be watching. The Fosters!


A Show That Makes You Laugh Every Time

Brooklyn nine nine has the ability to make me smile and laugh everytime I rewatch it!


A Show With The Best Music 

One Tree Hill wins this. Fair and Square. The One Tree Hill soundtrack has songs for every mood and I have found so many new bands from this show that I still love today! They always find the perfect song to fit the scene.


This is just a small insight into my favourite TV shows, they’re are plently of other shows that I watch that aren’t on this list like

  • Law & Order : SVU
  • Chicago PD, Chicago Fire and Chicago Med
  • Criminal Minds
  • The Middle
  • Modern Family
  • Riverdale
  • NCIS
  • Bull
  • Pretty Little Lairs
  • Switched at Birth

Okay, there are to many to name…

Do you agree with my choices? Let me know below!

Shannon x

How my apprenticeship is going…

If you know me, I have probably talked your ear off about apprenticeships, since I started mine, I realised how much I was missing out before by deciding to go to college after school then go on an apprenticeship.

After high school ended for me in 2014, I opted to go to a big college, with no one I knew, in a different area.Now at the time this seemed like the perfect idea for  me because I wanted to be away from where I lived and who I lived around, but I soon realised a big college like that one wasn’t for me and I backed out a lot sooner then I am proud to say. After dropping out of college, I needed somewhere new, so after a long needed break, I started looking for an apprenticeship, as I had decided this would be best for me to gain my qualifications. In college I was going professional cookery and first looked for apprenticeships in that field, no luck. After months of looking, a company got in touch with me and I found a training provider, which was much smaller and closer to home. In September 2015 I started at my new ‘mini college’ and for the next 6 months I studied for my maths and English functional skills level 2 and also gained a certificate in ’employability’ which helps you write a CV, understand the laws at work and trains you what to do during an interview for a job. In Feb 2016, I left that college with my maths and English level 2 and other certificates. I was again on the hunt for an apprenticeship, through this time I was unsure what I wanted to do anymore… did I want to go into business admin? or childcare? or cooking? or animal care? I looked on the apprenticeship site for these and found a couple I liked in different fields and applied online for them. The apprentice site is where I applied for the apprenticeship I later got in animal care.

I started at a dog groomers in April 2016, I started with a trail week and later was given the job, I then went to the training provider for an induction. That was it, I had my apprenticeship. My apprenticeship was my first job and for 4 months at my placement I was very happy, I felt like my anxiety and depression was decreasing and I felt better with myself, I was enjoying it. I liked the people I worked with and the place I worked but things where not working out for me there, the happiness went away and I was filled with anger everyday, I didn’t enjoy it anymore, it was a nightmare every week for me and the thing I struggle with most now, is trying to think back to when the job I loved turned into a job I hated and I am still trying to figure out how to tell people about the change I made during my apprenticeship, but it was so many things, it is hard to name all the reasons why I am no longer there. The last month at my former placement was the hardest and all those little things I could deal with, become one massive issue and I couldn’t handle it anymore, I had to leave and August 2016, I was gone. What happened? My friends and family say… ‘ you seemed so happy there’.

I don’t know the ins and out of the business I worked for, I do not know what kind of person my boss was and what were her real reasons for hiring me, whether it was cheap labour as I was being paid apprentice wage or if I wasn’t cut out for that kind of business.

In the simplest terms, here is what I was struggling with while working there:

  • I wasn’t getting my breaks as they did not think I was working fast enough( can I just add that they overbooked dogs in and excepted the cleaning to be also done during this time)
  • I wasn’t getting home till 7pm, even though I finished at half 5 because I was not allowed to leave 2 minutes early to get a bus that would take me straight home(even after offering to come in earlier, plus I wasn’t getting my last 15 minute break anyway)
  • My breaks and dinners where never my own and I was always getting up to get dogs for customers and answering the phone during the only time during the day I could sit down and enjoy my dinner.
  • Talking of dinners, I wasn’t getting mine till around 2.30 – 3pm
  • I was being asked to come in on my days off, the night before(by night I mean 10pm, when I had already made plans the next day).
  • When I got home at 7pm, after having a bath, putting my uniform in the wash and cooking my tea, it was time to go to bed for work the next day, I was so tired my last month, I was constantly drinking energy drinks( which aren’t good for my anxiety but I had no choice).

After I had left my former placement, one of the girls, whom I thought was my friend started putting things on social media, calling me selfish, a loser and other colourful things, I was at this point(before seeing these) debating going back to this placement if my tutor at college could resolve some of the issues there, but after this I was sure I did not want to go back to that place, with them girls. For a couple weeks I didn’t know what I was going to do about my apprenticeship, luckily my assessor at my college helped me through the process of finding a new placement, one nearer to home, one where I would be happy. That is when I heard about a dog grooming salon nearer to home, 15 minutes away infact. It all happened within a week, I called the manager Monday, went in for an interview Tuesday,in college Wednesday and started working at this new place on Thursday, I was relieved, I had a place again.

I have been at my new placement for around 5 weeks now and I am so much happier. I feel like the people I work with know what they are doing in regards to running a business. It takes me 15 minutes to get home( 5 minutes on a non busy bus and 10 minutes walking from the bus stop). The environment is very different, it’s the kind of place I feel like I fit in, the kind of place I need to be at, not at all like my old placement. My assessor recently came out to assess me and everything is going well and the bonus is I don’t have to start my course again, so I am not behind. I have no settled into college again(after the summer break and new people starting) and settled into my job at my placement.

I do believe that change is good and sometimes change is a much needed thing. I know I needed a change and even though it was scary, I am happier because of the change.




Simple & Easy Sugar Cookies.

photo 4

It’s just turned fall and the start to my favourite time of the year, you can expect a lot of blog posts these next couple months. Most will be seasonal, with Halloween and bonfire night fast approaching, you can expect lots of recipe idea’s and seasonal posts. I love this time of year, including all the fun things that happen this time of year, so I will have lots of posts up, including baking/recipe posts, fall and winter makeup and hair ideas and DIY and decor posts. Today, I have one last summary post up for you all, a recipe. You can make these any time of the year but I like to make these ones around summer, but you can adjust these to any time of the year. Instead of making flowers and hearts, you could make cats and ghosts for Halloween, fireworks and bonfires for bonfire night or stars, trees and Santas for Christmas, all you need to change is the shapes and the icing colors.

With this recipe I made around 25-30 cookies(depending on how big your cookies are), so you could double this recipe or half it, depending on how many you want to make.

Sugar Cookie Recipe:

  • 280g Caster Sugar
  • 600g Plain Flour
  • 400g Butter
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs ( beat the egg whites for one minute, you do not want white peaks, just a foamy appearance)
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon( if you would like it, you could switch it out with nutmeg or more vanilla, or have nothing extra).
  • 400g Icing Sugar
  • 3-6 tablespoons of water or milk.

Other things you will need:

  • Cookie Cutters
  • Baking Tray
  • Bowl
  • Scale
  • Spatula or Spoon
  • Greaseproof paper
  • Piping Bags or Zip Lock Bags
  • Food Colouring ( I used red and yellow)
  1. Firstly, you need to weigh all your ingredients and preheat the oven to gas mark 5.
  2. You then need to cream together the butter and sugar in a large bowl, add the egg yolk and partially beaten egg whites to the mixture, use a spatula to mix together.
  3. Add the salt, cinnamon and vanilla and continue mixing. Add the flour in 3 parts and mix until well combined. At this point you mix will have turned into a soft dough.
  4. Wrap in cling film and place in fridge, for 30 minutes or freezer for 10 minutes, as long as the soft dough has become slightly firm, then you’re ready to take it out of the fridge.
  5. Place on a floured surface and roll out to about a 1 cm in height. Cut out the shapes you would like and place onto a well-greased baking tray.
  6. Bake in the oven for around 15-20 minutes, until hard on top and lightly brown. Place on a baking rack and leave to cool for 30 minutes.
  7. To make the icing, simply sift the icing sugar into a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of water at a time until you have a paste, the paste shouldn’t be runny, but it should not be too thick that it doesn’t fall off the spoon if held up. You are looking for icing, that will easily pipe onto a cookie without running off the sides, but not leave a pattern like butter icing would on a cake.
  8. Use food colouring to make different colors for the different cookies and use a piping bag to pipe the icing onto the cookie. Start off at the sides of the cookie and work your way in.
  9. Leave the icing on the cookies to harden, in the fridge for around 30-45 minutes before you serve them, this makes them less messy to eat as the icing on top will start to harden.

I would suggest eating within 4 days. Keep them in a cool area in an airtight container. These are great to make at any time of the year, but I love making them around holidays, because they can be themed, for a party or occasion. You could make these with children because they are so easy and quick to make.

Shannon x

Messed Up Friendships.

* I wrote this when I was very down and needed to vent my feelings about a certain boy in my life – or should I say past. I wrote it for myself but later decided to post this, because this is my blog and I felt as if I can post my feelings here. It is a blog post that consists of me venting. it is just a little look into my feelings about a certain someone and I thought I’d share that with you all. Maybe you have been through something similar and can relate. It is not an advice post like most of my blog posts that I have done about my past. I didn’t mention a lot on the subject, purely because it didn’t seem right to post everything on the internet, that’s why names haven’t been mentioned. He may have hurt me, but I don’t hate him that much to put his business(I.E his name, age and where he lives) all over the internet. ( It is my choice to put my business on the internet) It could be any guy in the whole world.. Well okay, the UK but still. He doesn’t need to be named. I am not some scolded women looking for Revenge people! I will have a nice post up at the end of the week, so don’t worry, they’re not all as depressing as this one. I just kinda wanted to show you a little snippet of what’s going on in my life right now.*

There is something about him that I just can’t get over. My friends think I like him, in more than a ‘friend’ way, but I know myself better than they know me and I know that I do not like him in a ‘fancy him’ way. I can’t explain how I feel. I feel a little angry at times because he said so many horrible things to be, as well as ignored me and only spoke to me when he wanted sex. He lied over and over again to me. I guess I am a little angry at myself for believing he could change and that he really wanted to be my friend and didn’t just want sex. I am sad because I miss him and our old friendship. I want him back in my life but at the same time I don’t.  I feel heartbroken even though we didn’t date and now I am not heartbroken because I loved him in a ‘let’s date’ kind of way. I loved him as a friend and suddenly he wasn’t there anymore and it hurt me a lot. I sometimes get really down about it. Sometimes I feel like I need his friendship. There is something about him, that is different for me and I think I know why, and just don’t know how to end the pain and upset when it comes to him

Once he started doing drugs, he changed. He started flaking on plans we had made, he started being mean and unsupportive of me. One day, we had made plans to hang out and he had promised he’d turn up this time. I left what I was doing that day early so i could be at home when he got here. Only to find out that he wasn’t coming because he’d taken drugs and couldn’t make it. He didn’t even message me first saying I can’t come today, no he waited till I texted him, which he didn’t even respond to for another 2 hours. Thanks alot, you so called ‘friend’.  After that I kind of lost hope that the friendship could workout.

I have spent some time on the subject. Thinking what did I do wrong? Did i try to hard to keep our friendship going? Am I the one to blame? Will he ever go back to the lad i used to know years ago or is this it for him? I guess I could be to blame for some of the problems we had, but I know It’s his fault too. Sometimes I’m sitting there thinking and I think of a witty comeback or remark I could have made when he said something mean and upsetting to me. some of the things he said to me affected me. For instance he once said my room was ‘childlike’, Now I know it isn’t. I get a lot of my inspiration from Youtubers such as Zoella and she’s hardly ‘childlike’ not only that but My style is my style. I am very sorry I don’t skit you for your style, but I am a nice person. I could say to him ‘ you don’t strike me as a very creative person, so i bet your room consists of a bed, wardrobe and a line of Nike shoes on the floor – creative’ after that I started becoming concerned with my whole style till i realised he’d just boring and basic, so what if i like to have pictures of my family and friends around my room, there is nothing wrong with that. While going through a tough time mentally ( which I still am,just not as bad anymore since I have been getting help) I went to him for support because everyone else that night was MIA or busy. I needed someone to come to my house or at least talk to me. He called me an attention seeker and swore a couple times, which made me worse. He doesn’t understand self-harm or mental illness, which I never expected him too, but I don’t think it’s fair to call me an attention seeker when you know nothing about me or my illness. I respect that not many people get mental illness, but for a friend I trusted to turn around and say all these things, really hurt. There have been many times like those I have mentioned, I guess I must just be gullible and weak for not saying something sooner and letting him control the situation again and again.

I gave up recently and it has been hard. Sometimes I want to go back and take back what I said about being better off without him because I miss him, but he picked drugs over our friendship. He picked drugs every time, I don’t do drug’s and I will never go near them and I guess he wants friends who do, do drug’s. He was my best guy mate and It hurts to lose anyone, but when someone has been in your life for so long and they hurt you and leave, it’s not easy. I wasn’t that bothered about him doing drugs, but what bothered me was the fact the drugs changed him. I do worry about him, but what can I do? I had to give up, it was just to much for me to keep trying when he didn’t want to try anymore, he wanted one thing and when I stopped giving him that, he stopped being my friend. I do take some of the blame, being the naive person who thought he’d change, the gullible person who believed every word he said – good or bad and the trusting, caring person for trying, when i should have give up long before I did. I just hope he doesn’t end up ODing or getting involved with the wrong people. My friends were right from the start, I should have walked away a long time ago.

Shannon x

Letting Go.

Walking away from someone is a decision I’ve had to make a couple times in my life so far and I’m pretty sure I’ll have to do it a few more in the years to come. In the past I’ve found it so hard to walk away from certain people because they meant so much to me that its hard to leave that person in your old life. I hate walking away from people even if i know its for the best, lately I’ve thinking a lot of who I need in my life and who I don’t and it’s been so hard to come to terms with the fact there are some people in my life right now that I will benefit walking away from, at least for now anyway. If I’m making the decision to walk away from a relationship such as a partner or friend or even family member, it takes me along time to make that decision and that person must have done something really bad or upsetting for me to feel I have to step away from that relationship. I’ve walked away from an intimate relationship before, for my own safety and well-being but, it was never as hard as the feeling I’m feeling right now about leaving other people such as old friends in my past and letting go. The decision to leave certain people in my past occurred a couple of months ago when my old high school friends (after years of drama in high school and treating me like crap) decided to message me after months of not talking to me. I realised that moment I didn’t want these girls in my life because they upset me so much in high school, they spread rumours about me and treated me like they was better than me because i was broken and hurt from a previous relationship of abuse. That decision was easy and quick and I blocked them on social media sites, so they couldn’t message me and start drama again and so they didn’t get to see what I’ve been doing with my life since leaving high school 7 months ago. I’m happy with that decision and I’ve benefited from it. It was all pros on leaving them behind and no cons. Now I’m in that place again but with a boy, I didn’t go to high school with but he was always a close friend, at times more than a close friend and now i think its time that i need to leave that friendship behind for a couple reasons. For a long time this boy was there for me but then that started to slip. For months now he’s been coming in and out of my life and I don’t think its fair. every once in a while he’ll message me and talk for a little while then won’t talk to me for months and I always allowed it because i just assumed he had a lot on, but I know it was just a load of crap, he had time he just didn’t want to spend it on our friendship any more and I would have been fine with that if it wasn’t for the fact he’d message me and get me thinking ‘are we friends?’ and then after not talking to for about a month I’d think ‘obviously not, he hasn’t spoke to me in a month’. A friend would make an effort right? I still stuck with the on an off friendship until this month, he pulled the last straw that was holding our friendship together. I needed him, I needed someone who understood my anxiety and depression, I needed a person for a little while one night when I was very upset and I messaged him thinking he understood and instead, me asking for help backlashed on me. He said I was attention seeking and all these horrible things because he didn’t understand and he was being ignorant about the subject. It killed me. I broke down even more and then and there I realised, that’s not what a friend would do, that’s not what I’d do if someone I cared about needed me for a little while. I’ve spent this whole month going over the pros and cons (because that’s what I always do when making a decision). I don’t want to do this to a friendship I’ve tried so hard to keep, but there comes a time where you have to realise sometimes walking away is the best thing. I know in the long haul that it is best for me. Walking away seems to be the best thing for you sometimes. Its made me mentally stronger. I know now that the people, family and friends i have around me are the best people to make me stronger and happier again in the near future. I just hope everyone is able to walk away from certain people in their lives so they can have a brighter, happier, stronger future because it is hard to walk away sometimes and it feels so upsetting , but in the long haul sometimes its the best thing you have done.

My Top Ten TV Shows.

I have so MANY T.V shows that I love, too many I think. So I thought I’d tell you them. Let me know in the comments what your favourite show is or if one of these are yours too.

1. Revenge- Revenge is a drama set in the hamptopns about a young woman who seeks revenge on the people who wrongly got her father sent to prison. It has just started its 4th season and I am once again hooked, like I have been since it started in 2011. Revenge is one of my favourites for sure.

2. Friends- I feel like friends is such a classic, there are so many people who love the show, including me. Friends is a show about 6 people in there late 20s early 30s living in New York just living a normal life. Friends lasted 10 seasons before it ended and I felt as if I knew the characters and even have the box set. I kind of feel lost without watching a couple episodes a week. I think its an obsession.

3. 2 broke girls – If you love rude humour then this wil be your favourite too. 2 broke girls is also set in New York and is about 2 young woman who are poor/broke who work at a diner and have a cupcake shop/window. The girls work hard to pay their bills and they also have a horse! I think this show is amazing, I love the rude humour and it had come back for a 4th season to this fall. YAYY.

4. How I met your mother- Okay now I never watched this show from day one because of course I was only about 7 when it started but I did watch every episode like I did with friends and love the show. Oddly I think its got very similar parts in it as friends does, but nevertheless I still love the show.

5. Law&Order:SVU  Law and order is the only Law and order I watch, the rest are just so boring. But I love special victims unit. There are 16 odd seasons that im trying to get throw while keeping on top if the new season that started a couple weeks back. I completely understand why Taylor Swift called her cat Olivia Benson.

6. Criminal minds – Ask my family, Friends or anyone who knows me remotely and they will tell you I have an obsession with crime shows. Criminal minds has become a new favourite off mine and I really enjoy watching them even though they are crime shows, I would love a job in one of these type of fields. They are very clever .

7. CSI- like I said I have an obsession. I would love to work in the labs and have the ability of someone with this job.

8. Two and a half men – Of course this makes it into my top 10 because well 2 words. Austin Kutcher. I never watched it with Charlie in it, I like Austin’s humour better.

9. Modern Family – This is a new one to my list as iv only just started started watching the new season, but its now in my top

10.  The Middle – again, a new season has started and iv ben watching since day 1 . my mum always calls me sue and my brothers axl and brick even though im older then both my brothers and sue isn’t. This show is a perfect example of most family’s all over the world.

So that’s my top 10 favourite TV shows.


Over the past couple of years of being a teenager, I have found out that relationships are a very important part of your life. Im not just talking about Relationships between you and your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband, I’m talking about all relationships. Relationships with your friend, Family and people who are around you a lot. The last couple of years a lot of my relationships have broken, but iv also made new ones. Once a couple of relationships break In your life you then realise how important they are. The type of friends you have and the way you act around them says a lot about your self. That also goes for someone you start an intimate relationship with. Iv seen in the last couple of years in my life a few intimate relationships, friendships and family members disappear from my life. Its been so hard to deal with but I have dealt with it because I know ill move on. In the last 2 years I have lost a lot. I have also gained a lot and I know from my experiences that im a totally different person now to who I was then. Lets go back to when I was 14. At 14 I liked this boy who didn’t like me back, mainly because he didn’t really know me and because id never told him how I felt. Anyway, I argued with my mum ALOT and ended up spending a lot of time with friends. At this age id fallen into a friendship group that was totally different to who I was, I believe they changed  me, but they also shaped who I am today. Before them id sit in the class, not saying a word and hang around with about 2 other girls who were like me, id never go out much. School and family were just pretty much my life. So when this group of people accepted me into their group, I was nervous about the change but happy. I started going out most nights, I hung out with a big group of boys and girls in school, started to wear makeup, dress differently, I started talking to boys and most of all I gained a little confidence. I was able to speak up in class, I even got moaned at my teachers for being load and talking and months before I would have been so ashamed but not I did care. I loved all this at the time, it was new and exciting for me it was a real high school experience I wanted since I left primary school. With this new group of friends I was happy, all except one thing. A boy. I thought I needed an intimate relationship to be completely happy. That’s really not true and I know that now. I wanted a relationship, so I tried to get one. That’s pretty much how I got with my first real boyfriend. 6 months that relationship lasted, I wish it had never happened, I so wish he wasn’t my first kiss. He wasn’t a nice lad, I rushed into it. I thought what he did to me was normal because I never told my friends for them to say it isn’t and id never had a relationship like that before. Long story short, At the age of 15 I didn’t have a boyfriend. I had about 2-3 friends again because everyone left my side. And my dad was very sick. I finally thought before 15 that everything was going to get so much better but my 15th birthday came and nothing was, I didn’t even feel like celebrating. Everything was just so crappy. So at 15 I was depressed, trying to get over an abusive relationship with no REAL friends by my side and all my hope went into my dad being okay and getting throw this. The year was the worst! My dad died in year 11, I had to sit exams that could change my future if I failed and all I felt was pressure and everyone waiting on me, to have someone to be proud of. I have to say leaving school was the best thing iv ever got to do. No more walking  around and hearing  people talking about you and knowing all your life, to sit in classes with people who were once your friends, the ones who spread the rumors, made them up and made my life so much worse then it needed to be. Walking into college with no one knowing about me was probably the most amazing thing and most relived id ever felt before. My dads death was almost a year ago, My friends from my past are gone and I have new friends and well as a bright healthy, happy future. Im so glad to have that. Finally. Yes, there are still relationships I would love to mend, some people id love to slap{but I wont} and some people I wish was still around like my dad. But I live in the present not the past now. Im saying all this because I want people to know, whatever your going throw, yes I agree relationships have a big impact on the way your life leads. But you are you and the decisions that you make are yours and whether they are bad ones or good ones doesn’t mean one day you wont  go on to do amazing things. I know there are people out there going threw worse then I have, but I can say with my experience that its hard. Not to sugar coat it, its really hard. But you’ll get through it with the right help, people and time. Whatever your going through remember there’s always time to change things.

I am in college, have lovely, trust worthy friends, doing a course iv wanted to do since I was 10. Im happy were I am, I have bad days, yes. But I have more good days then bad. Family life is great. Sometimes I find it hard to say im happy because I haven’t felt it in a ling time but now I feel it sometimes.

I don’t know why, but I cant give up

if you feel like giving up, look at how far you have came already.