5 Tip To Ace That Interview.

  1. Prepare. This is one piece of advice i give everybody, not just for a job interview but for other things like taking a test or going on holiday. Planning and preparing is key. Going into an interview knowing what you are talking about is going to give you that edge and get you noticed by the employer. It does not take long or much effort to prepare for an interview. My advice is to look up the company’s website, see what they’re all about. That way when a question is asked about the company you will be able to answer it without panicking and making no sense. Read reviews online. Glassdoor.com is a good site for this.You can check out reviews from people who have applied, they give you questions the employer asked and a small run down of how the interview went. You can also find out the pros and cons of that job on the site too. I use it before applying for any job. The questions will vary depending on the job you are applying for.

Basic Questions could include

What’s are your strengths and weaknesses?

Can you work in a team?

Tell me about a time you helped someone?

Why do you want to work for us?

What do your hobbies include?

What can you bring to this role?

  1.  Body Language. This is also key. You do not want to be over relaxed, but you also don’t want to seem uncomfortable or unapproachable. Sit with legs on the ground and with your back straight, make eye contact with the interviewer and smile. Do not just sit there saying nothing during a group interview, make yourself heard, that way the interviewer will remember you and this will show you are confident and happy speaking around people. Always be respectful of the receptionist and don’t be rude to any of the employers, as the boss may ask what they thought of you.
  1. Timing. This is important. You do not want to arrive 30 minutes early because this will likely mess up the interviewer’s schedule and they may feel like they have to interview you early, you may think that arriving early shows your punctual but that is not how they see it. That being said do not turn up 5 minutes before you interview, that is too late. If you turn up 5 minutes before, you might be late for the interview if it is on the other side of the room or if you have to fill out any forms before you go into the interview. My advice is to arrive between 10-15 minutes before. By arriving 10-15 minutes early you leave enough time to sign in, fill a form out and walk to the area you need to be, if you are in the wrong area.
  1.  Style. I think this is pretty obvious but what you wear is important. You should never go into a interview wearing jeans and a t shirt with a funny slogan on it. A suit or a smart dress or skirt and top is for the best. Now i am not a fan of smart clothes, i like to keep it simple and casual but for an interview i would usually wear a darker coloured skater skirt with a nice , smart top. Don’t go over the top on perfume or make-up, keep them to a minimum, same with jewellery.  Unless you’re interviewing for a modelling job, you’re there for your skills, not your looks. You should be presentable but not over the top.
  1. Stay calm. This is more for those who panic and get very nervous before an interview, because that can really ruin your chances at the job you have applied for. My best advice is to not over think it, yes it is a job interview and you really want this job, but you are never going to get it, if you are sweating and muttering while you’re speaking to the interviewer. Take deep breaths and do not rush, take you time, when i say take your time i don’t mean take 5 minutes to answer a question but take a couple seconds to take in the question and answer it slowly. This way you’re not panicking, thinking you don’t know the answer and just giving a crappy answer to the question. You know your stuff you have revised it all while preparing for this interview, don’t let nerves get in the way of that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I am a very nervous person anyway with my anxiety, but these tips are what keep me from having a panic attack right there in the interview room. I hope these helped, these are just things I have picked up from my experience with interviews

If you do not get the job, ask them for feedback so you know what you did wrong last time so you can correct them before your next interview. maybe they just didn’t pick you because they have so many other applications. Don’t let it get to you, go out and try find something else.

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